Video Packaging & Art Direction

Pink Floyd: Pompeii

I was contacted by Chris, a friend on an online Pink Floyd community, who informed me that he had obtained an original 35mm print of the 1974-cut of Pink Floyd – Live At Pompeii, originally thought to be lost. He and the friend were in the process of transferring both the 35mm print and the stereo / quadraphonic audio to digital, but had run out of funds and were going to appeal for more money to help complete the project. They were hoping that I would be willing to help the project by creating a flyer design for this appeal.

My original flyer was designed around an idea I had to reflect the ancient Roman design aspects to reflect the location, Pompeii. I was ultimately unsatisfied with the outcome. While watching the movie and looking for inspiration, I found it. Throughout the movie, the band’s amps can be seen that read “Pink Floyd. London”. It was a simple reference that I had not seen used before, so I re-designed my ad around it, also incorporating an iconic silhouette of Roger Waters.

The fund-raising project was a huge success, and the additional funds allowed for the transfer to be distrubuted as a remastered DVD of the film. I decided to keep the brand identity consistant with the ad poster, and use the Pink Floyd. Pompeii logo for the cover, and do my best to replicate the worn textures that would be found on the back of an amp, especially in those days.

Especially interseting for me, and the project as a whole, is that my friend was in contact throughout the entire process with Adrian Maben, director of the film and rights owner, as well as Nick Mason, Pink Floyd drummer and band historian. Both were very receptive to the ideas for a restoration, and both gave their blessing. Both men also recieved a copy of the final product, so it’s very cool for me to know that some I worked on is currently sitting on their DVD shelves.